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[E] TheFacelessOne
[E] TheFacelessOne
Enjin Archive
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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I want to follow stuff from the lore of games with lots of dwarven lore like warhammer fantasy or lord of the rings. my main idea is: The Great Dwarven Hold Of Grimklade there are afew other ideas kicking around in my head such as Karaz Ankor meanning eternal/everlasting domain/hold.
over 13 years ago
so far ive built afew halls and stair cases will post pictures when i can!
over 13 years ago
totally cool bro looking forward to seeing it when i get home!
over 13 years ago
i feel ur pain also im finding it hard to settle down in the guest world untill accepted cause even if i keep my stuff the world gets wiped weekly (edit: damn typos)
over 13 years ago
also remember the perks are a gift for donating u cant always get what u want when u want it it may take abit for it to appear people cant always be there asap
over 13 years ago